Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 5: Lives Are Changing

the valcano...seeing the whole mountain is rare
Mostly photos today...the days are long and I'm beginning to slow down.  Today I covered for Cindy (Scotts Valley RC) who runs the pre-op area.  She wasn't feeling good (several aren't).  It's a four bed room where the patients and one parent wait until it's time to go into OR.  My job was to give them a quilt and a beanie baby and entertain them.  Cindy has a stash of coloring books, pupetts, and games.  Cindy speaks Spanish and I don''s amazing what you can do with gestures.  When I wasn't in pre-op I was in the operating room.  The operating room exerience is a trip!!!!!!  The surgeons have been extremely gracious.  They are open to any questions and I have gotten an anatomy lesson first hand.

Updates:  Norma is progressing.  I took her for a short walk today.  Sophia will be evaluated today...cross your fingers she is healthy enough to have surgery.

Norma and her Mom in the ward

Jose in recovery room

Rosa and her dad before surgery...she has a big hole in her palate

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these great pictures. The last one is so cute, I can't stop looking at it.
