Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 3: First Day of Surgeries

The surgeries began today.  Here are a few stories that don't have an end yet but I will follow up in later days.

Norma Leticia

This is my seven year old friend Norma, who has the biggest smile despite her severe defect.  We played and joked for a time today before they prepared her for surgery.  I will check in on her tomorrow to see how she is.  Don brought a lifetime supply of beanie babies and I will give her one tomorrow.

This is Erik.  I have forgotten his age, but he is older than he looks.  He was extremely malnourished because he can't nurse.  His parents can't afford milk so they give him water, coffee or coke a cola.  He has been at the malnutrition clinic at the hospital for about a month.  They have fattened him up and he will have surgery tomorrow or Wednesday.

Sofia's story is a very sad one.  She was found in a box along a road.  They think she was about a month old.  She is now 8 months old and lives in an orphanage.  She was scheduled for surgery today, but she had a fever...no surgery.  At first we heard that she had been taken back to the orphanage, but I found her in the same room with Norma.  She has been moved to isolation and if she improves in the next three days then she will have the surgery.  Keep your fingers crossed for Sophia.

President of Rotary Club of Guatemala Metropoli, Jerra and Julio
Tonight the Rotarians went to a Rotary meeting in Guatemala City (Club Guatemala Metropoli).  It was in Spanish, but they provided earpieces where we could hear a translation.  Kind a like the United Nations.  The food was good as was the fellowship.  I also met up with Julio Graziosa, who is a member of the Villa Hermosa Rotary Club and was Cecelia, Jim and my host when we were here in January.  It was great to see him again.

Think good thoughts for Norma, Erik and Sophia.  I will let you know how they are doing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us updated. You are doing an awesome blog for sure. I hope it all works well for Sophia.
